Dr. Bruce E. Lyle, DVM Consultation
Do you need a second opinion, or advice on wound management? Dr. Bruce E. Lyle, DVM, is owner and CEO of Aubrey Equine Clinic. Established in 1994, Aubrey Equine Clinic is located north of DFW, in Aubrey, Texas, “the Horse Capital of Texas”. Ambulatory, and in-hospital veterinary medicine treatment is offered at Aubrey Equine Clinic. Dr. Lyle’s primary interests include podiatry services, lameness, wound management and reproduction in performance horses. Dr. Lyle is renowned for his revolutionary, and successful treatment of severed tendons.
Consultation with Dr. Lyle will include an evaluation of your horse’s injury, with suggestions for wound management. Dr. Lyle is also available for personal appointments at his clinic in Aubrey. To begin consultation, complete patient form. Once payment is received, and patient form is submitted, Dr. Lyle will contact you.