Head Wounds On Horses
Laceration On Horse’s Face
Rosie was attacked by a mountain lion. Her owner is Rob Erickson, member of Montana Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame and owner of Western Ranch Supply. Western Ranch Supply stocks all the popular wound care products but a friend of Rob’s in the rodeo world told him about PF Wonder Salve. Rob and his vet were amazed with the results. They couldn’t believe how fast it worked and how effective it was. Before and after photos 1-5 were taken 3 weeks apart!

Face Wound on Horse
Head wounds are very common on horses. Fortunately, as gruesome as they can be, they heal quickly. The head and face are extremely vascular compared to other areas of the body, and the blood flow aids in healing these areas. Good management is the key to good cosmetic results with minimal scarring. PF Wonder Salve works remarkably well on these areas. Never use PF Wonder Salve on exposed bone. For exposed bone, we recommend packing the area with sugar paste (white sugar & saline, not sugardine). The tissue will granulate quickly and you can begin using PF Wonder Salve.
Injury Photos
The filly in these photos stuck her head under a steel pipe gate hinge. She peeled most of her face off to the bone. These impressive photos span a duration of 8 weeks. No scar and no white hairs.
Head Wound On Horse With De-Gloved Cheek
DJ, the horse in this series of photos, had a de-gloved right cheek. After four weeks, his owner discovered PF Wonder Salve. Once she started applying the salve to his face, the area rapidly shrunk in size. She did not use a mask, as PF Wonder Salve forms a protective coating and repels flies.